Saturday, August 4, 2007

Day 4: White Lightning: Open the floodgates

this is a train of thought, on the fly, catch up, housecleaning wanted to share with the team kinda entry, please forgive grammar

Also, anyone who would like to blog on the Team Xtreme site may do so. Please contact me. I well work with you to access the blog. This is an open concept, so jump in any time, you will find the water is great!

They Herd CatsToo: The Great Day 3 30DC Server Collapse

...server crash? what? r u nuts? you think a little server crash can stop the avalanche you’ve created. you’re herding cats now. even if it ended right now, it is an indisputable triumph. like showing a 1000 factory farmed cows the world’s largest, plushest, greenest pasture. what scares me is you guys probably know how to herd cats too…

This was Deb(thx Deb) inspired (please feel free to tweak/ATC:Advance The Concept): is MLM meets the secret meets SEO meets the web meets the techies meets the masses = about a 1000 people trying to make their first 10 bucks on the web... it is the 30 day challenge.
people are spending amazing amounts of money on the web, the big buck stuff, the large industries are a wrap, can't penetrate that, but the specialty markets, the smaller niche markets are showing exponential growth. it all comes back to how searches are conducted and perhaps even more importantly, how you are linked to others... think of it this way, take downtown NYC, if you are a little shop beside some huge chain store selling widgets and i mean a little shop, the size of a mouse hole, just that big 2" x 2", you would not get much business cuz NO one can see you, but what if all the other shops KNEW about you and told their customers, hey go check out deb's little shop of widgets and they gave the customer the precise, specific and exact coordinates (URL/LINK) to get to your widget shop... you would have a line up a mile long!
SO... just 'cuz you don't have a huge storefront and tons of dough, doesn't mean you can't move product/volume. as long as people know how to find you, via other links to you, other businesses, other means(technorati, Digg, Squidoo, et al), searches, etc, they WILL exchange money for your product or service. imagine even further if every time one of the shops referred you, they were given an incentive/reward. they would gladly do it again.
A very simple and basic explanation of the new web 2.0 marketplace.
Now, what i/we are learning are the tools being used by the web 2.0 movement. They are new, creative, hip but very different from the old web 1.0 tools. Google/ebay, et al, have transformed the web. It is all 100's of complex algorithms based on types of pure traffic, presence and awareness. SEO: Search Engine Optimization & Referrals, good old fashioned Word of Mouth, 21st Century style...extremely complex yes, yet also, like the human body, very simple. if we eat right and exercise, avoid bad habits we'll be okay. if you don't, well you could spend millions and have an army of doctors trying to keep you alive... The secret being - - you have to believe and you have to embrace the lifestyle (to extend the metaphor...) It is still business, it still requires hardwork and brains, a conviction and love of what you are doing.
so over the next 30 days we are learning how to eat right, exercise, avoid bad habits in the Xtreme Web 2.0 environment so we can thrive beyond the 30 days...

WolfPack Link Stink: (a good thing, how wolves communicate & find the good stuff)

If we missed you, sorry, we're taking day 4 to play wicked catch up... reminders don't hurt our feelings either.

Team Xtreme Open Concept is emerging... join the (R)Evolution of Conceptual Marketing

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Also, from all the Xtremeists... thx 30DC, you know who you are... and we know you're following your followers...
