Friday, August 3, 2007

Day 3::30DC + 1:Visualizing Success Scenarios:The Epiphany

It doesn't take long for a summer camper to decide if she is enjoying the experience. Camp is either a competently run affair or bluntly, it is a dismal, unorganized mess. The former applies to the mostly adult, 30 Day Challenge. Camp Coordinator, Dan Raine and his capable Camp Director, Ed Dale keep the roughly 1000 campers engaged with niche research activities, downloads, networking and so much icebreaking you'd think we were all in the high arctic. Challengers are in a marathon and it is apparent we have already lost some of the original recruits, but a strong, fit, resilient core continues to chase the dream of learning how to make $10 on the web from an original idea they have chosen, within 30 days.

With so many achieving a consciousness about the potential of the net while pursuing ten bucks, the 30DC has become a bona fide grassroots movement. Like so many true collective efforts in history that have risen from the masses, hope is the adrenaline that is firing the human pistons of this empowerment engine. With hope comes the possibility of success. There is a very tangible sense that we are involved in something special and it now becomes incumbent on us to visualize our success. Those who have made this breakthrough (make no mistake, success is a mental exercise in overcoming the fear of that which you seek) are well on their way to making a ten spot and then some. Seeing the horizon beyond 30 days is the 30DC epiphany.


harmonicbarbie said...

"...success is a mental exercise in overcoming the fear of that which you seek..."

That's for sure! Nice analogy. I always do better and am more likely to achieve my goals when I "hold the vision"...


Anonymous said...

I agree that having a vision of what you want is key in accomplishing your goals.

30DC has already opened my eyes to more ways of reaching my goals... and it's only the 3rd day of the challenge.

I can't wait to see what they have in store for us! I can sense this is going to be HUGE for many people as it already is for me!


Kelly said...


ervin said...

I like positive attitude in your blogs! Vision, positive energy, self confidence, determination and focus!

Never, never, never give up!